Trade Credit is insurance coverage for when your customers can’t or don’t pay you. It is protection on domestic or foreign accounts receivables for unexpected loss due to a nonpayment, slow payment or formal insolvency.
Sales Growth |
Credit Management |
Lender Financing |
Risk Mitigation |
Safely Expand Sales to new customers, extend exposures or offer longer credit terms | Streamline and enhance credit practices to prequalify, evaluate and monitor credit risk | Collaterize ineligible receivables for additional access to working capital and lines of credit | Protection for key customers, concentrated risks or unexpected losses that could have an impact |
Additional Features
- Customizable policy to be Key Customers, Business Segments, Single Debtor or Full Turnover
- Online platform to access current customers and evaluate new prospects
- Credit Reports, if desired
- Automated oversight of AR and credit insurance program
- Dedicated team to help manage program
- Non-cancellable, Cancellable, Medium Term, Single Invoice coverage